
We have had a phenomenal experience working with Investors Circle.  I really cannot say enough about this group.  Orianna Bretschger, CEO Aquacycl 

Investors Circle members make investments using proven structures and models, often in combination. We also learn and help pioneer newer models that can allow more people to participate, and regenerative approaches that offer less “extractive” terms and can return greater benefits to community stakeholders. Promising examples include: structures that allow groups of investors to invest together with lower minimums, support for community development financial institutions (CDFIs), revenue-based financing, collaboration with donor-advised funds (DAFs), and philanthropic investing.


Most of our investments are in U.S.-based start-ups, with early-stage valuations. Some of our members also invest globally and in larger, later-stage businesses, or serve on boards of companies supported by Investors Circle.

Apply to Present to Investors Circle

Investors Circle accepts applications on a rolling basis. We work with:

We ask all applicants to submit to us on Dealum. Creating a profile is free and also allows you to reach other angel groups and investors that use the Dealum platform.